

NodeJS script that acts as a DNS resolver/forwarder but checks mDNS first. This was written to act as a DNS resolver for Docker containers that can't resolve mDNS addresses (*.local) on their own.


Edit config.js:

  • listen_ip - IP address on the host to bind to
  • listen_port - Port number on the host to bind to (probably port 53 for most cases)
  • authority_ip - IP address of the resolver to use if local mDNS lookup fails
  • authority_port - Port number of the authority_ip above
  • authority_type - The DNS query type to use (probably udp for most cases)
  • authority_timeout - Timeout to wait on the authority to respond
  • mdns_timeout - Time to wait for mDNS to response before forwarding the query to the authority/resolver
  • local_only - Only listen for *.local domains. Setting this to true will instantly forward any request that contains non-.local domains to the resolver (for faster response)

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