Maple Scrap Pen Display

This is starting to feel like Pask Makes' scrapwood challenge. Much like the wands, I had a bunch of turned pens scattered around. As any self-respecting woodworker does, I had a small offcut scrap that I just couldn't bring myself to throw away. I think I originally wanted to turn it into a small desk clock (which maybe I'll still do someday). Instead, it's also the perfect size for a pen holder/display. It can hold up to 17 pens in a 6-5-6 staggered row arrangement. Finished with a quick and simple semi-gloss Varathane.
Back row pens are (left to right): white oak, zebra wood, purple heart (can't really see in this pic), cherry, cherry, purple heart
Middle pen is "cosmic" maple -- just plain old maple died with red and blue and with glow-in-the-dark paint flecks