434 MHz Remote Outlet Sniffing

For starters, this is not for the faint of heart. It's not difficult, but it is tedious. Getting the drivers and software installed can be a little confusing, too. That is something that I will not cover in this project as many places have done it already. Instead, I invite you to check out the excellent article in the Adafruit Learning System -- https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-rtl-sdr-and-sdr-sharp/overview. And, yes, you will probably want to do it with Windows. I use a MacBook for everything, but used Windows in Boot Camp to do all of this. I couldn't find any Mac-based software that worked as well. There are many amazing resources at http://www.rtl-sdr.com, so you may want to browse around there, too. I am also assuming you know how to use an Arduino and either know how to or can find resources on using a 434 MHz RF transmitter with one.
Read more at [ hackster.io ].